Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lost, Lost and MORE Lost

I HATE winter. Sorry, just had to say it. I didn't use to mind it so much. The problem is that because it's so cold and there's so much snow, the amount of time it takes to bundle 3 kids up properly and get them out of the house to go anywhere is hardly worth the effort. And I actually wouldn't mind this part of it either if one child in particular (who shall remain nameless) wouldn't come home everyday from school missing a new item (or 2). Today, this child was seen running up the street from the bus stop without a hat, coat unzippered, throwing snowballs at the neighbors. If this wasn't ridiculous enough, when Chris yelled at him to get in the house, he decided to dive head first (NO hat) into the snow bank. When this lovely child got into the house, I noticed he was wearing TENNIS SHOES!!!! Now, his tennis shoes are sent to school everyday in his backpack and are to be worn only in the classroom or for gym. The boots are supposed to be on his feet for outdoor recess and coming home. Anyways, you get the idea I'm sure. So when I inquired about the whereabouts of his nice warm boots, I was informed that they were in his backpack. Well, that was only half true, as there was ONE snow covered boot in there that had gotten all of his papers he brought home soaking wet- yuck! This prompted my 4:30 trip to the ever enjoyable Lost and Found. Where I would like to mention (and I am NOT exaggerating) there was at least 20 boxes full of "found" items. Luckily, the stray boot was right on top of one of them so I quickly grabbed that and then began the search for the missing hat. I should mention that since school has started we have lost 2 lunch boxes, 4 hats, 3 pairs of mittens, 1 sweatshirt, 1 scarf and I don't even know how many spoons. (in case you are wondering: I did try buying plastic spoons for him but he kept insisting they were breaking and did I REALLY want him to choke to death on a broken piece of plastic???). Anyways, I did not find his hat, but I did find one that was close enough. I know, I know, not a good example to steal from the lost and found. But, I felt better knowing that it was all going to the Goodwill tomorrow anyways and I'm sure the other items we "donated" so far this year made up for the one measly little Transformers hat that I "found".

In other Lost sort of news, Alex lost his second tooth tonight. He was a little less excited about this one because it bled a lot more and he hates the sight of blood. He did get up all excited this morning though since the tooth fairy left him a dollar last night.

All I know is that between the cost of lunches, the daily lost teeth and the winterwear, we could have probably sent the kid to private school. (well, not really, but man I'm sick of buying new hats and gloves!). Happy Winter!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Wonderful World of Teeth

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about teeth at our house. Sarah has been "teething" for the past 2 weeks. Actually, she just hasn't been sleeping independently very well and the pediatrician is blaming it on teething. Personally, I think she is just spoiled and does not want to sleep by herself. Oh well, you only get to be a baby once. So, while we've been paying close attention to her cute little gums, Alex has been having teeth issues of his own. About 2 months ago (maybe even more- I lose track of time) he started complaining about having loose teeth (the bottom front 2). Every night he asks us to wiggle them and see if we can get them out. Meanwhile, his "adult" teeth (this is Alex's term- he seems to think once he gets adult teeth he can just do whatever he wants) have come in behind the wigglers. Anyways, tonight we finally got his first tooth out. Of course, the other loose one is barely in there as well but after he realized that pulling it out actually hurt and made his gums bleed, there was no way we were getting in to get that second one out. Oh well, probably better to spread out the tooth fairy's obligations anyways. I'm hoping they don't come out like they came in- 4 or 5 at a time- because the whole $1 per tooth could get a little bit pricey. Here are some pictures of Alex and his missing tooth.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Holiday Season and Other Fun Tricks

Well, we're officially in the Christmas season. We took the kids to see Santa and his reindeer today. For the first time in 6 years, Alex actually talked to Santa- he didn't sit on his lap but he did stand next to him and tell him what he wanted (Star Wars Clone Trooper Helmet and Video Game- in case you're wondering). Anna requested another doll (because the 18 that we trip over on a daily basis apparently are not enough). Sarah sat on his lap and didn't make a peep. The reindeer were pretty cute as well. Alex, however, kept informing Anna that reindeer really can't fly and that those could not possibly be Santa's reindeer because one was a female and one was a male and we all know that Santa's reindeer are all males. It took a bit of story telling to clear up some of the questions that came up regarding that whole situation.

In other news, Sarah has discovered that her tongue is quite the funny little toy. She constantly has it hanging out of her mouth and is usually grabbing at it with her hands- just thought I'd include some pictures of that as well.