Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Random Thoughts and Pictures.....Mostly Pictures

Can't believe that Sarah already turned 6 months old! Where did the time go??? She's such a "third child", doing everything early, trying to keep up already. She is rolling, sitting, loves to bounce, grabs at everything (especially hair- more about that in a later post).....Anyways, here are some random pictures of life at our house in the last few weeks.....we've had a multitude of illnesses and this has created a bit of cabin fever....can't wait until spring :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reading, Writing and ........

Alex has started the fun journey of learning to read and write. He actually knows a lot of words already and has picked up amazingly fast on sounding out words both for spelling and reading. I was thinking, as I was helping him spell a few of the words in picture #2 how far he has come in such a short time. Picture #1 is a bit indecipherable. This was written about a year ago or so. At that time, Alex had given me aforementioned picture and said I should take it to work and hang it up. I said, "Of course I will, can you tell me what it says?" To which Alex (very seriously) replied, "How should I know, it's written in Chinese"......I think you can see why I had to save this in the "this will still be funny in 20 years" bin :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Just when I thought they couldn't find anything dumber to fight about....

No big news, and no new pictures right now. I will try to post video of Sarah in her Jumperoo though because she is hysterical in that thing. She almost hops on alternate legs back and forth and rocks the whole thing- it's really funny to watch. Ok....onto the topic as promised...we took the kids out to eat tonight (which is always a challenge in itself) and Alex was in an especially foul mood. He always gets crabby come about Thursday. I think the all day Kindergarten is just a bit much sometimes. On they way there, he was just looking to pick a fight with Anna. She is usually an easy target because he just has to sing a song about her kissing one of the boys at school and the tears start flowing. However, tonight he chose the absolute DUMBEST thing to fight about that I have ever heard. I didn't even really know who was more confused, myself or Anna. He even got Sarah involved in this one. He told Anna that it's really too bad that she doesn't have crystal eyes like Sarah and him because that means she can't see in the dark. To which Anna said, I can see in the dark just fine. Alex: Umm, no you can't, your eyes are dark brown, mine and Sarah's are blue crystal, take a look (Alex pointing to his eyes) you know- crystals shine in the dark. The bickering went back and forth a few times. I then found myself arguing with Alex about the topic. So, then, thinking I was so smart, I said to Chris, your eyes are brown and you can see in the dark just fine, can't you? Chris: Well, my eyes aren't as good as they used to be. I thought: Damn, if the kids weren't in the car I would have slapped you upside the head. Thanks for being a team player! You can't even help me win an argument with a 6 year old! The argument ended with Anna doubting her nighttime vision and me doubting my own knowledge on the topic. I wonder if there is a research study on eye color and nighttime vision.....hmmm....note to self: when I go back for my master's, I think I have my thesis topic.....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Boy Talk

Well, school is back in full swing and with that always comes some laughs and a few more gray hairs. The first occurred yesterday when on his arrival home we asked Alex how his first day back went. To which he replied, "It was pretty good. Aaron (who is his best friend) and I learned how to whistle so we were whistling at Alice and calling her HOT". (My jaw dropped to the floor I'm quite sure)....didn't even really have a response to that except Chris asked him why he thought she was hot to which he replied, "you know, blonde hair, blue eyes"....oh my.. we are in SOOOO much trouble. The only thing I could say was, "I don't think girls really like when you whistle at them and you are much too young to be thinking someone is HOT"...

Anyways, today when Chris was dropping Anna off at preschool, Alex completely embarrassed him. Because Alex's school starts later than Anna's, Chris has to bring Alex with to drop Anna off. Anyways, there is always a crowd in the hallway at preschool because the doors don't open until exactly 9:00. Well, Chris was standing in the hallway with the other 20 parents (who are about 95% female I will add) and one of the mothers that he knew from last year came up and said "Hi" to him. After she left, Alex asked (very loudly from what Chris tells me) "Hey, Dad, was that your girlfriend?" Apparently several of the mothers turned to look at Chris, who I'm certain had a mortified look on his face. Chris said, "No, Alex, I don't have a girlfriend, I love your mom." Alex: "Then why did you say hi to that other lady?" Hmmm....Yeah...why DID you say hi to that "other lady"? :) Gotta love the logic. I'm just glad I'm not the only one he embarrasses with his poorly timed questions and comments. I was reminded of the time when we were at Rainbow and we walked past the wine coolers. Very loudly Alex said, "Mom, there is the alcohol you like, you should buy more because you drank all of the last ones you had and you really like alcohol" (nevermind that there were a total of 4 wine coolers that I had drunk over probably 6 months!) Of course, it was a packed aisle and several people turned to look at the clearly alcoholic mother dragging her then 3 year old to the store to purchase more booze!

We aren't quite sure if we're happy school is back in session or not.....I guess we'll have to see what day 3 brings us.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New View

Here are some pictures of Sarah in her new favorite position- sitting. She is constantly trying to sit up when you try to change her diaper now. She can sit by herself for a few seconds- once for almost a whole minute! She is such a strong baby and a real smiler. I love this picture of her with Jazz as well because it kind of explains where she got the idea to have her tongue permanently hanging out of her mouth......you know what they say about spending too much time with your animals, you start to look like them :)