Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blog Shmog

I know, I know, I have sort of fallen off the blogging bandwagon. Honestly, since completing my Master's program, the last place I want to sit is in front of my computer (flashbacks of one too many research papers I guess!). However, since the whole intent of my starting the blog was to keep up with events in our lives so our kids (and those who choose to read along the way) will be able to look back and read about our lives in a more chronological way, I figure I should probably get back to it.

And so, what have we been up to over the past few months?

Well, since the last substantial post about us was prior to Halloween, I suppose I could start there. Halloween was good this year, warm and snow-free :) As seems to happen every year, Alex decides he doesn't really want to go trick or treating. However, one trip to the Halloween SuperStore and one creepy, blood flowing mask later, he was all in. I will say that the creepy, bloody mask terrified the life out of poor little Sarah who would barely go near him all night (f you look closely in the family picture, you may see some dried tears on her face- she really did not want to be within about 10 feet of Alex all night).

(Yes, we carved pumpkins too!- had to add this so the children know they were not deprived of any fun traditions this year just because their mom was in the heat of completing her degree right about this time :)

It was a rather strange fall (and winter as it turned out!). We had very mild weather and lots of warm days. We were able to go to the zoo later in the year than we typically do. There has not been any real "sledding" days yet but plenty of days of running around in the yard :)

Hockey has been a big part of our year. Alex has moved up from Mites to Squirts and we are spending about 4-5 days/week in either practice or games. Alex's team won the championship at his first out of town tournament in Little Falls the beginning of December. It was some great memories for him and Chris. The girls and I stayed home that weekend and baked cookies with aunt Jackie which was very fun (and messy!) and did a little "kung fu fighting".

Sarah took gymnastics this fall. By some miracle, there were no broken bones, no stitches and she did not get kicked out :) All in all, it was successful. She loved it. Not sure her teacher would have said the same thing (Picture Sarah attempting to follow instructions longer than 10 seconds in length. Now picture a frustrated adult redirecting Sarah over and over for an hour each week.). For the benefit of the poor teacher, we took this session off. We'll try again in the spring :)

We had a very nice Christmas this year- everybody was healthy! We missed Thanksgiving this year as everybody was sick. Don't worry, we made up for it with many Christmas celebrations :) This year we were able to put our "breakable" ornaments on the tree. We were even brave and put 2 whole boxes of candy canes on the tree. I'm happy to report that all the ornaments survived and when I took the tree down there were still at least a dozen candy canes fully wrapped. Sarah is starting to mellow out :)

 (yet again, the ONLY one of our kids who seems to enjoy visiting Santa)

 Notice the hair bow- this is truly a special occasion :)

And that's a wrap! Phew!!!! I will try to be better from here forward keeping up with the blog. Cramming almost 4 months of updates into one post is really too much (probably too much to read as well- sorry about that!)

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