Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

First Communion

Not much to say except I somehow got the dates wrong so it was a week earlier than we had thought and didn't find that out until 2 days before! Those of you who know me well know that last minute, non-planned events are just not my thing. But, it all worked out. If you don't look too closely at the cake (which was really a b-day cake) and you just remember what the day was actually about, you will probably agree that in the end it's not really about the "stuff" that goes with it. I'm just glad Alex did not do anything inappropriate :)

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