Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa, Reindeer and the Gingerbread House

Just a random posting about our last few weeks of getting ready for Christmas. We took the kids to see Santa- although as you can tell from the pictures, only Anna actually spoke to him. Alex was in one of his moods that day and refused to talk to him and Sarah basically screamed and clutched onto me as I tried to pry her hands off and put her on this stranger's lap. It was then that I decided it was not worth the battle. We have always felt there are certain things in life we have to make the kids do- sitting on Santa's lap for a cute picture is just not one of them. Oh well, she was much more entertained by the "real life" reindeer anyways.

Speaking of the reindeer, Alex and Anna have been asking harder and harder questions about how Santa actually gets all of this done and can his reindeer really fly, etc. It has become more difficult to lie to them and I'm finding my own made up stories more and more pathetic. I think there is a part of Alex that secretly knows the truth but is afraid to say anything. Oh well, I will try and relish this Christmas because I think it may be the last one where Alex will buy the lies. It's sad that they have to grow up so fast!

In other holiday type news, I spent some time in Anna's classroom last week making Gingerbread houses. It was really fun to see her in the classroom setting and meet some of her friends and their parents. She absolutely loves school and was so proud to show me everything she has been working on. It was a far cry from earlier in the week when I chaperoned a field trip in Alex's class and he refused to sit by me and barely even acknowledged that he knew me.

Here's hoping for a very Merry Christmas!

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