Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Top Ten

These are the top 10 signs that your 7 year old has watched a few too many infomercials......

10. He thinks everything costs 19.95

9. He knows what the Sham Wow is and does and can use it appropriately in a sentence

8. He has the phone number memorized to order the Bendaroos

7. He has an ongoing memorized list of ordering websites and can tell you them instantly if you even mention an item

6. He knows several easy recipes for the Magic Bullet

5. He received a Snuggie after begging us to understand that his regular blanket just "slips and falls" and this would actually make doing his homework a "breeze"

4. He has attempted to order me the Buxton over the shoulder organizer on more than one occasion and whenever I am unable to find something in my current purse reminds me that if only I had let him buy aforementioned item for me, I wouldn't have this problem

3. Never misses an opportunity to tell us how dry and cracked his heels are and if we'd only gotten the ped-egg how this dilemma would be solved (note- we did purchase this item and it actually does work!)

2. Actually put on his Christmas list a request for a new mattress since his current one has "springs" that are "poking into his back" (nevermind that I don't even think there are springs in his mattress, pretty sure it's all foam)

AND....the #1 sign that your 7 year old has watched just one too many infomercials.....

 Loudly exclaimed tonight that as soon as he turns 25 he is going to order the "penis pills" because everybody knows that after 25 your penis just stops working

Oh God, help us.

1 comment:

MollyinMinn said...

That's hilarious. My kids are constantly telling me that I NEED stuff they see on TV, like Aquaglobes and Snuggies. Again, a note that it's time to shut off the TV :)