Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Twos, Twos, The Trouble with Twos

I have to admit I have kind of a love-hate relationship with the "twos". By the "twos" I mean the age- 2 year olds. It is such a fun age and yet such a hard age.

I find myself, lately, needing to remind myself that this is such a brief moment in time and that our littlest  monster will indeed not stay 2 forever. Some days the hate relationship is stronger than the love relationship (not with Sarah, but just the age in general) When the older kids went through this stage,  it was busy too. But, not as busy as we find ourselves now. We are now faced with the daily challenge of trying to juggle the needs of two school aged kids and their homework, activities, etc in addition to the continuous monitoring Sarah requires. Our nights go something like this.....Alex and Anna get home around 4, Sarah immediately starts acting out and trying to get more attention (after all, she's had the house and all the adult attention to herself for the last 7 hours). If she is not paid continuous attention she will just get into one kind of trouble after another until you are forced to give her attention. The next 3 hours are spent fighting with the older two to get their homework done, preparing and eating dinner, chasing Sarah, making sure all school issues for the next day are taken care of and then running the older two to various activities 3 nights/week. Most nights by the time we get them to bed we have asked each other more than one time "why is it that we wanted kids????" Tonight, for instance, I was attempting to play a game with the older two since we had only battled an hour to get through homework, we had a little time to do something "fun" together. However, there is really nothing "fun" about trying to play a game with a 2 year old who insists on stealing all the pieces, knocking the gameboard on the floor, ripping up the cards, attempting to eat the dice and in the middle of it all decides that it would be a great time to pour a bottle of soy sauce onto the kitchen floor, because you know, it only took mom about 3 weeks to get to scrubbing that floor last weekend, so why should it stay clean?

And then, when the house is all quiet again, I can reflect on what I absolutely adore about the twos. They are becoming so independent and their personalities really start to develop. They interact more- with both the environment and others. They are learning so fast and can pick up new skills with amazing speed. They understand how to say I love you and know how to give the best hugs imaginable. They belly laugh until tears run down their face about the simplest things. They are ALWAYS excited to see you when you come home, no matter what. They are still small enough to cuddle on your lap and watch them fall asleep. They once in awhile like to be picked up and you can pretend (if only for brief minute) that they are still, indeed, your baby. And, at the end of the day, the love relationship always wins. And so, since I know this is my last official 2 year old, I will get some extra bear hugs, hear a few more belly laughs, practice new words, watch with amazement at the simple things like snow and ice and just try to appreciate the twos for what they are- fast, furious and (sometimes) fun :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holiday Savings

So, with the holidays coming, money is always something we can use more of around here. I'm guessing those reading this feel the same way. If not, feel free to send some of your money that is lying around our way, we will put it to good use :) This weekend I was away at a scrapbooking retreat and had 3 glorious days without kids :) Chris, however, spent the weekend without power and with 3 small children whose negligent mother had not purchased snow boots yet :(  Good thing my mom lives across the street and had a couple extra pairs the bigger kids could borrow. Needless to say I was feeling guilty about procrastinating on the whole snow boots thing. Then, I read my friend Molly's blog (http://www.snyder5.com/) and she was blogging about snow boots and how she had saved 30% on them plus free shipping and was also getting 6% cash back. That caught my attention. The busier we get, the more we tend to shop online. And, as anyone who shops online can tell you, the holidays are absolutely full of great deals all with free shipping. Why would anyone in their right mind go outside in this weather when you can shop from the comfort of your home? Well, anyways, about the great savings I wanted to share.....so, from Molly I learned about this great website called Ebates.com that offers different coupons and also gives you money back on online purchases you make. It is basically like free money sent to you in a big fat check about every quarter. Nice, huh? Want to get in on the deal? Click here http://www.ebates.com/rf.do?referrerid=LlwxnaXBTpzCvCwrMI6iKg%3D%3D . Signup takes about 2 minutes and you are on your way to savings. Best part is you can still use all of your crazy promotion codes and coupons on top of your cash back so it is a win win situation. It doesn't cost anything and you get to choose if you want emails from the website or not. I was browsing through and saw that ebates is offering 11.5% cash back on any order from snapfish.com. Couple that with my 25% off code that I have and free shipping and my snapfish "bucks" I have from previous orders and my Christmas cards are going to be a steal this year! Gotta love a bargain! Enjoy :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

How it Starts

I think I may have solved the mystery of why girls go to the bathroom together....

Not entirely sure when this content was added to catechism class, but it sure could solve a very big mystery....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Disaster Preparation

Riding in the car on the way to religion tonight, Anna was telling us about how they had to do a fire drill last week. I told her I thought that was a really good thing to know what to do in a fire and I'm glad they were learning about that. She then said they also did a tornado drill. Again, I told her I thought this was good practice to know what to do in these types of situations. Then she said, "But mom, what exactly do you do if the building starts on fire and there is a tornado outside?" Hmmm....not even sure how to answer that one. I told her I wasn't really sure what the right action would be in that situation but that the likelihood of that happening is pretty slim so she shouldn't really worry about that. Being the realist she is, she came up with her own straight-forward answer, "Well, then I guess if that really happened, you would just have to die". Morbid, but given the likelihood of such an event happening, it seemed easier to just leave it at that rather than come up with some elaborate plan of running from the burning building through the tornado into another building's basement. Such happy thoughts on the way to religion. Hopefully there will be no nightmares about burning buildings caught up in twisters tonight.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sarah's Instructional Video on how to give your Dog a Bath

*no animals were harmed in the making of this video, no guarantees on the actual cleanliness of your animal if you attempt this method, Sarah is available to come to your house (for a small fee) to clean not only your pets, but also your furniture, your walls and your clothes*

Friday, November 5, 2010


Homework is hard. It's even harder with a small monkey on your back.....