Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New View

Here are some pictures of Sarah in her new favorite position- sitting. She is constantly trying to sit up when you try to change her diaper now. She can sit by herself for a few seconds- once for almost a whole minute! She is such a strong baby and a real smiler. I love this picture of her with Jazz as well because it kind of explains where she got the idea to have her tongue permanently hanging out of her mouth......you know what they say about spending too much time with your animals, you start to look like them :)

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