Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

And here we are, 2010! We rang in the new year at home this year very low key, just us and the kids. Chris was the only one who actually made it to midnight, the rest of us turned in pretty early.

We have been talking about New Year's Resolutions and trying to explain to the kids what these are. Both Chris and I are sticking with the usual resolution- lose weight, eat healthy, make more time for ourselves, blah blah blah. The only other resolution I have made for myself is to not beat myself up so much over my dirty house. Truth is, I work full time and go to school full time amongst raising 3 kids. Something has to give and it won't be time with my kids or time for myself. Sorry house- you will be neglected. Not saying it'll be condemned or anything, but I just won't "redo" the cleaning Chris does and I won't insist that everything is picked up immediately. Clothes will continue to sit in baskets and I am going to try really hard not to stress out about this. I'll let you know how it's going. In the meantime, know if you visit our house in the near future, it will likely need attention, but as it is last on my list of many priorities, it will sadly be left out.

I thought you might appreciate the kids' resolutions:

Alex has decided in 2010 he will not watch as much WWF Smackdown. Yikes- didn't know he'd actually ever seen this show. He really needs to stop getting up so early and watching inappropriate TV. We do have parental controls turned on so you need a password to watch anything rated over PG. Apparently beating each other to a bloody pulp is considered mild enough to be included in this rating.

Anna's resolution is more practical. She has decided that she will start washing her hands after she uses the bathroom.YUCK!!! I swear we have taught both of them this important skill and I was positive she was actually doing this. Needless to say, I then spent all day yesterday scrubbing down the bathroom and clorox wiping all door handles in the entire house (needed to be done anyways, but this was the kick in the butt I needed)- so much for my neglecting the house resolution- yes I have already digressed but in the interest of health it had to be done!

Sarah, of course, does not understand any of this. I am going to guess at what her resolution(s) will be:
- Give up the pacifier. It has become somewhat of an extra appendage on her face lately and I know it will need to go soon.
- Ditch the crib. Yes, she has gotten out of her crib twice now, but for the most part she stays contained. We know this will not last long and 2010 will see the last crib in our house :(
- Learn to talk. It seems she has been too busy perfecting her climbing and jumping skills that she says very few words. We are both betting she will just start talking in complete sentences one day, just like her older sister did.
- Learn to climb up and down the stairs without getting a head injury. She is really good at going up, not so good at going down.
- Grow hair. She does have some but definitely not enough to put any cute bows or clips in- not that she'd leave them in anyways!
- Increase # of teeth in her mouth by at least 5. She has gotten 5 teeth since August. I'm guessing there are about 5 more ready to come through right now. She has started biting and got Chris really good on the arm the other day. Actually drew blood right through his shirt.
-  Figure out a way to strap herself to the dog so that when she climbs on and he stands up she doesn't fall off. Hoping she doesn't actually figure this one out but it is really funny to watch those two together.

In all, I'm sure 2010 will not disappoint. I will try to chronicle as much of it as I can. I will also be better about taking pictures- I've gotten rather lazy in this respect. Happy New Year!

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