Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thou Shalt Not Clean

Do you ever just feel like you weren't meant to do something? Warning- this will be a bit of a whiney post but just keep in mind I got a whopping hour and a half of sleep last night and am really not in the best mood. Onto the posting......so, it's a very slow day at work today so I had the opportunity to take an extra day off. Doesn't happen too often so I took it with the intention that I would clean my carpets, catch up on my laundry room and tackle the death trap that is my storage room. Doesn't that sound like a fun day? Well, in hindsight it really would have been extremely fun. However, God had different plans for me today. At about 12:30 this morning Anna woke up screaming in pain. Her ears were absolutely killing her. We gave her ibuprofen and tylenol but neither did anything. She didn't sleep at all, just cried in pain. And so, I didn't sleep either. I was up and we were in the parking lot of the pediatrician at the opening time of 7:45. We found out as I suspected she had 2 very badly infected ears. One has a large blister on it and the other had actually ruptured so there was quite a bit of junk coming out of it. I got a prescription for her and we were going to Target to fill it when Chris called saying that Alex was complaining his ear was killing him. I had decided I would have to go home, pick up Alex and bring him to the doctor as well. On the way home, (going to wait for the Target stop til after the other appt), Anna threw up all over the backseat of the car. Not much I could do at that point so we just kept driving. Got home to find Sarah with the nastiest tightest cough. Decided I might as well take her with too. So, $60 in copays later, Alex has an ear infection, as does Sarah. Sarah also has neb treatments that she needs 3 times/day because she is wheezing. And so, we are home now (finally), it's noon and not only have I not actually cleaned anything....I now have a car seat and a backseat full of pink vomit (yogurt), a pile of puked on clothes, 5 new prescriptions, a shiny new nebulizer machine (yes we had to buy one) and a headache. I think the lesson God has taught me today is: Don't even think about cleaning up that mess- really, why bother? And so, I shall go now and sit on the couch with Anna who is still throwing up and attempt to assemble our new nebulizer machine. Anyone know a good maid?

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