Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Graduate

So proud! Kindergarten Graduation- this will be the graduating class of 2022- yikes!

And sweet little Anna, ultra irritated by the hat...
And even more irritated that I'm taking her picture with the hat....
And deciding that she doesn't really like graduation if it means she has to wear this dumb hat....

And, as always her awesome teacher getting a smile out of her despite the hideous hat!

Here's to 12 more years of school until the next one! Hopefully the hat will go over better when she is 18 :)

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