Well....it has been an eventful week. On Tuesday, I felt crummy much of the day and ended up having contractions about every 8-12 minutes. This prompted our first hospital visit of the week. Turns out I had a bladder infection so was given a couple shots of this lovely medicine called Terbutaline to calm down the contractions and sent home on an antibiotic. If anyone has ever experienced Terbutaline you can sympathize- for everyone else, just liken it to what it must feel like to take crack cocaine. It feels a bit like your heart will jump clear out of your chest and it almost feels like you are having a panic attack. Anyways, it did the trick with the contractions for that day anyways. Yesterday was a different story- they returned, but not quite as often so I just sat on the couch for the day.
Today I had a follow up visit with my OB. Turns out my blood pressure was a bit high- 140/90 which is about 50 points up from my usual 90/50. Cause for concern seeing as how I had been sitting in the waiting room for 30 minutes before it was taken and had certainly not been doing any physical exercise! (busy office today). Also, I was still having contractions about every 10 minutes. Not really painful, more annoying than anything. Anyways, this earned us a direct route to the hospital L&D unit for the second time this week. The OB was concerned about preeclampsia and ordered lab tests to check my liver functions, etc. They also did a non stress test, which just means they monitor the baby and your uterus for contractions at the same time. All tests were good, except my platelets, which were at 86,000 (normal 150,000-450,000). This is only slightly lower than they have been throughout the pregnancy though so since everything else looked good, I got my release ticket. I have been given instructions to "lay low" for the next several days- we really want to get to 36 weeks which is 2 weeks away. I'm not very good at sitting still and doing nothing, but I promised the OB that I would stay out of trouble until at least the beginning of July. So, Chris and I have decided (as we've had much time just the two of us sitting in hospital rooms this week) that the next time we enter an L&D ward, we will not be leaving without a baby. Hopefully it will be our own, but at this point, I'd settle for any of them out of the nursery- they all looked pretty cute. Truthfully though, I really want to make it another month, I'm not ready to be sleep deprived yet and I still haven't finished getting everything ready for the baby so she will just need to stay put for a bit longer. Hopefully I will not have any more news on this front for another 4-5 weeks, but stay tuned as it seems it doesn't matter what I want my body to do, it just decides on it's own!
Words from the Editor
- Cheryl
- Minnesota, United States
- Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!
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