Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 32....or is it 33?

Well, I had my 32 week checkup today. Things are going well. The baby is actually measuring at 33 weeks. My OB said it's likely just a bigger baby than the other 2, or that my dates are a week off. Of course, he also said, Well, you're having a C-section so it can get as big as it wants since you don't have to push it out anyways. I did have to remind him that I do need to lug it around though! So, we shall see if we make to the 39 week mark (which I guess is really 40 now?) for the scheduled C-section. He didn't seem to think so. All I know is she better not be too big, because I have some really cute newborn outfits for her to wear and if she comes out already having outgrown them, I will be very disappointed! So, we are aiming for sometime in July now, just need to get through the next 3 weeks and she can then choose her arrival, whenever that may be. I do feel as if she has dropped in the last few days, which has been a relief for my ribs, but torture on my bladder and my hips- I think I'm waddling now.

Yesterday we braved the Como Zoo with the kids and our friends, Mike, Becki and their son, Will. The kids had a great time. I did pretty well, didn't have to stop for too many rest breaks. We spent much of the time in Como Town letting the kids go on various rides. I've included a picture of the kids on the "Frog Hopper". Anna really enjoyed it. I was impressed as it went up pretty high in the air- she has always been our daredevil.
Hopefully by the end of the week, I will have pictures of the new bedrooms to post. The kids have started the transition and it was a bit of a rough weekend with the new sleeping arrangements, but more on that in a later post!

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