Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

3 Little Pumpkins

Alright....I'm catching grief for not updating the blog often enough. As most of you know, I went back to work 2 weeks ago. We are slowly settling into yet another new routine. Work is pretty much the same, after the first day it feels like I never really left! Anyways, we did the pumpkin thing this weekend. We let the kids draw the faces on their pumpkins and then Chris helped them cut them. Here's Alex with his "creepy" pumpkin as he called it .

Anna decided to draw a pretty girl pumpkin (with hair and everything)- she must think her dad is a whiz with the carving knife. Here's what it ended up as: (not bad I guess)

Sarah just had to look cute- she did a good job at it I think :)

Here they all are (even the dog- there was food involved if you are wondering how we got him to sit still :)

Up next: Cute Halloween Pictures (we hope)

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