Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lessons Learned

It has been an interesting weekend at our house. Sarah has not been sleeping for about the past 2 weeks, getting up several times a night, sometimes crying for up to an hour and a half in the middle of the night. We attributed it to her just being difficult since her ears are fine and she hasn't been sick. I thought she might be teething, but the top teeth didn't even seem close to coming in yet. She only has the bottom 2, so logically the next in line should be the top 2. Well, tonight, I was brushing her teeth (which is quite an event in itself since you practically need the jaws of life to keep her mouth open) when I noticed she now has a third tooth on the bottom. Go figure. Out of order, but I guess teeth don't know what order they are supposed to come in, right? Hopefully sleep will return, especially for Anna who has had to spend many nights on the couch to escape Sarah's tantrums.

Alex has learned a few lessons himself today. This morning he was taking a shower when all the sudden he started screaming, "Mom, come quick, I'm BLEEDING!" Well, sure enough he was bleeding. When I asked him how a chunk of skin seemed to be missing from his knee, he said, "I was kneeling down and there must have been glass in here". Hmmm...I don't think so. So, I asked him, "Did you use my razor?" Alex said, "Well, I think it fell off the shelf and cut me". So, needless to say, Alex will not be shaving his legs again anytime soon. After he was dried off and I was trying to fix his hair, I noticed that a large portion of his bangs were, indeed, missing. Granted, he does need a haircut, but I wasn't really thinking of letting him do this himself. Oh well, guess I'm just glad picture day has come and gone already.

Never a dull moment around here :)

1 comment:

DeeAnn said...

I totally understand the teeth thing. B has 6. 4 in the middle and then 1 on top AND bottom on the left. The ones on the right aren't coming, but her molars are totally swollen and causing sleepless night;(.

Love the razor story!