Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

SWEET- I got to see my BONES!!!!

Ahhh.....Fall- pumpkins, hay rides, apples, leaves and of course, broken feet :) Ok, so the last part is not usually a true part of fall, but at our house it seems nothing is "usual". First, let me say, it isn't actually broken but both the Pediatrician and I were ready to put money on us needing a trip to an ortho surgeon. Fortunately, it looks much worse than it truly is. Alex was wrestling around with Sarah and somehow managed to throw himself off the couch and caught just his baby toe on the end table. Ok, so no big deal, I figured he probably cracked it pretty good, but who hasn't done that before, right? Except that by last night it was a pretty shade of purple and black and the bruising and swelling went halfway down his foot. So, we were at urgent care before it opened. Alex, of course, thought this was the coolest thing ever because he got to see his insides on the computer screen. I think he was hoping it was broken so he could have a cast and use crutches. I'm sure this novelty would have worn off after a few hours. We are just happy it wasn't actually broken. The radiologist hadn't actually read it yet but the pediatrician said she looked really hard (because she was sure it was broken) but could not find anything. Phew. Here are a couple pictures of it- they didn't show up very well, but trust me, it does not look good. And, since I haven't posted any pictures of Sarah lately, I thought I'd throw a couple in here as well. Happy Fall :)

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