Words from the Editor

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Minnesota, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's sort of a running history of the trials and tribulations of raising a busy family. I work full time as a nurse and my husband is at home keeping the rest of our lives in some sort of order. Life is busy, fun and challenging every single day. I hope you enjoy our story!

Monday, July 7, 2008


I don't think I can quite accurately describe how hard it has been for me to be on bedrest. I'm typically not one to just sit around and these past few days have been extremely hard on me! However, I went to my appointment today and things are looking better than last week. The OB that I saw said that I did not meet the criteria to be categorized as having preeclampsia so he was not worried enough to deliver yet. The non stress test looked really good today- she's active and healthy. My labs are not all back and won't be until tomorrow so I won't know definitively until then but he sounded optimistic that I was just unfortunate enough to have pregnancy induced hypertension- but not preeclampsia. This is good news, I suppose, although I don't physically feel any better. Anyways, he said that I do NOT need to be on bedrest anymore and that I could be up as I feel like it. It's quite liberating to be able to actually sit at the computer even or walk out to get the mail. I still feel a bit dizzy and lightheaded at times though so I'm trying to take it easy. I'm hoping to go back to work on Wednesday (so- yes Kate, I will hopefully be at patient ed :) - I need to get the final lab results which won't be back until sometime tomorrow, otherwise I could probably go back tomorrow. It'll most likely do me some good to have a day in between bedrest and working 10 hour days anyways so tomorrow I'll slowly increase my activity. Anyways, I lost 4 pounds since my appointment on Thursday- my mom seems to think that means I'm going to go into labor soon. I attribute it to the fact that it's really hard to eat much when you have to lay down all the time- makes you pretty nauseated. We'll see- if anyone is able to predict those types of things it would be her. Personally, I think the little one is quite cozy in there and will most likely stay that way for 20 more days until her eviction date. Thanks to everyone for their continued support, phone calls, emails and especially to Amanda for her wonderful backrub- it was much appreciated! Here's hoping for some exciting news soon :)


DeeAnn said...

Are you seriously coming back to work???!!!:). What do you think about 4 hour days? I thought I wouldn't see you for 3 months. Glad all is well. DeeAnn

Cheryl said...

I know- a glutton for punishment I am. I really don't think I can just stay home and count the days though- everytime I think about it I think ok, that would be one less day I get to spend with her after she is born. If I could still take 12 weeks after she is born I would gladly just stay home now, but if medically I don't have to, I think I have to just suck it up and deal with it. Sorry to say you guys are stuck with me for a couple more weeks.....